Guild Knighthood
Royal Order of the Rampant Unicorn
In an effort award our members for their hard work the Guild Knighthood is created by the Guild Master.
The Guild voted at our Spring Fling 2022 meeting to make our Priory an open one. Meaning that we may bring into our Knighthood those who are members of other Guilds who do not have an Order of Knighthood but are well deserving. Those chosen must go through the same process as every other member.
Royal Order of the Rampant Unicorn
The Guild Order of Knight Hood. There are three levels of knighthood.
Knight Grand Cross- The Highest Level. Awarded after promotion for Exemplary Service.
Knight- Awarded after being squired and completion of the Knighting Quest.
Squire- Awarded after vote of the Council for dedicated service to the Guild.
Page- Children in the Order aged 5 and older to learn the virtues of knighthood.
Our Officers, Symbols & Members

Our Sigil
Purpure, bordure or, a unicorn rampant or over, 2 swords saltire point down proper
Our Motto
A Coeur Valliant, Rien Impossible- To a Valiant Heart, Nothing is Impossible.

Our Grand Master ​
His Sovereign Majesty, James, the Sixth, King of Scotland and the First King of England, Wales and France, Lord Protector of Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Church of England in Earth Supreme Head
Royal Order of the Rampant Unicorn
Knights Grand Cross
Lee Sciocchetti
Amy Farrell
Gene Kypke of Rogues of the Golden Coast
Liz Reynolds of Larks Cove
Les Reynold of Larks Cove
Ben Pfaff
L.A. Bonet
Deniele Casarubbia
Daniel Elm
Sara Little of the Rogues of the Golden Coast
Erin Bie
Cisco Martinez
Sandra Cox
Vanessa Moody
Lord Kennedy Tiptoe of the House of Pheonix, Senior Page to His Majesty the King
Lord Haden Fraser of Clann Fraser
Lord Roman Tiptoe of the House of Pheonix
Field Knights Recognized by the Order
Dame Armsmere D’Ravenglass
Lord Stirling of the Stirling Mercenaries
** Field Knights are a Distinguished Grade of Knighthood. These Valliant Folk were knighted upon the Battle Field rather than in a grandiose ceremony. Throughout history and indeed unto this day, Field Knights hold honour and station above all other knights in order of precedence. **
Order of the Garter
The Highest Knighthood bestowed by the Royals onto volunteers as requested by Faire Boards. Guild Members are ineligible for this award unless specifically requested by the faire board. Special ceremonies will be held for these Knightings.
Knights are Separated by Production Company that they were Knighted Under
Knights of Golden Goblin Productions
Bradley the Ent, Duke of Sherwood Forest, Kaotic Mythicals
Donald Herrick, Baron of Herrick, Chief Cook
Donna Herrick, Baroness of Herrick, Lady Cook
Kerry Greene, Baroness of Greene, Lady of the Dancing Troupe
Knighthoods to be Awarded as designated by Golden Goblin Productions:
Allyson Baldwin, Duchess of Edwards, Promoter of GGP