Official Tartan of the Guild
The Guild has officially Registered a Tartan!
What do our colours mean?
The Infantry Blue Represents our Guild’s Chosen Color and Clann Fraser who is a part of St. Margaret’s. The Purple Represents Royalty as we portray a Royal Court (generally). The Yellow represents Gold and the Hearts of Gold that are our members.
The Scottish Register of Tartans was established by an act of the Scottish Parliament in November 2008. The National Records of Scotland is responsible for administering and running the Scottish Register of Tartans. Members of the Scottish Parliament voted to establish a single, independent Scottish register of tartans which promotes and preserves information about historic and contemporary tartans from Scotland and throughout the world.
Our Tartan Reference Number: 13590
Our Tartan Registration can be found here:
Tartan Details - The Scottish Register of Tartans (tartanregister.gov.uk)